Books and Meditation Download Bundle
These timeless (physical) books and guided meditation downloads will help you experience greater peace, clarity, and direction in your life as well as offer you a lighter body, mind, and spirit.
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Listen to a Sample from Be Still:
Listen to a Sample from Let it Go
Listen to a sample from the Trust Meditation CD
Be Still Tracks include:
1: My Transformation Story (8:11)
2: Preparation (2:35)
3: Guided Meditation Short Version (9:22)
4: Guided Meditation Longer Version (14:39)
5: Meditative Music Only (14:35)
Let it Go Tracks include:
1. Introduction - 7:36 Minutes
2. Awareness meditative - 7:23 Minutes
3. Acceptance - 8:16
4. Letting Go of Judgments - 8:07
5. Letting Go - 6:08
6. Letting Go of Cravings - 7:30
7. Discover Your Strengths and Talents - 5:03
8. Start Loving Life - 5:52
9. Invest in Yourself - 6:08
10. Letting Go of Clutter - 6:23
11. Embracing Unlimited Potential - 6:47
Trust Tracks include:
1. Why Trust - 6:38
2. Preparation - 3:46
3. Trust Guided Meditation - 17:20
4. Meditative Music - 17:20
5. Contemplative Guided Meditation - 17:17
God Notes - Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement is a unique daily devotional that you can turn to any page and find a Word of divine encouragement.
There are 8 chapter themes: Nature, Body, Mind, Spirit, Guidance, Healing, Transformation, Truth.
God Notes grounds me, offering peace for my day. Thank you! – Dawn
I look forward to reading God Notes every day. I know God speaks to me when I read it. God bless you always – Florence
These words have a way of calming my soul and enabling me to start the day with a sense of empowerment. – Linda
I buy this book when I want to gift a friend. Inspiration is packed on every page. Why? Because Jesus is speaking to us through Jackie. Every day I read a couple of pages. – Ronda
The Freedom to Eat - 10 Secrets for Lasting Weight Loss and Inner Peace will help you to let go of not only physical weight that you have, but the emotional and spiritual weight that you can carry - many times since childhood. Heal your wounded places and discover lasting weight loss and inner peace.
Read the First Two Chapters and the Table of Contents from The Freedom to Eat
This book changed my life, so much so that I bought 10 copies for friends! I am so grateful also for the book study. – Arlene
Your study and book helped me to think back to my childhood and when I first started using food as a source of comfort. Then I thought through different stages of my life when I still turned to food. It has been a lifelong struggle.
I have now become more aware of destructive patterns in my life and have begun to create new habits. I am finding more enjoyment doing the things I love and not being obsessed with food, although I still enjoy delicious, healthy meals. Your book and teaching was such a blessing on this journey. My comfort now is knowing that no matter what...I am always loved by God. Many blessings! – Sharon
Meditation Testimonials
I purchased the Trust Guided Meditation. Listening to it the first time, I immediately felt that inner peace in which I need in my daily life. There are at times when we can still feel upset with things around us, so by coming across Jackie’s guided meditation, I now feel at peace with the Lord. Thank you, Jackie for being inspired and creating the Trust Meditation. I really look forward to listening every time. Keep up all great work you are doing. Jason – United Kingdom
When I started guided meditation practice, it was important to me to find Scripture-based meditations. Jackie’s meditations fit the bill perfectly. I start my day by listening to one or more of the tracks, and I can honestly say my morning worship is so much richer because of it. Jackie’s voice is just lovely, and clearly this is a God-blessed ministry with which she has been gifted. – Catherine Australia
Your programs have been and ARE such a blessing to me. Your meditations are a help to me as I trust God in navigating this journey of healing & restoration. Life is becoming Brighter for me. They also help my family. When Daddy is doing well, everyone else in the house does better. Thank you! If it helps one person, it is all worth it. God bless & keep you – Jonathan US
Be Still uses the verse, "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10, as the basis for the guided meditation along with breathing. In less than 9-1/2 minutes, you can calm a racing mind and spirit.
Listen to a Sample from Be Still:
Let it Go are 10 meditative affirmation prayers. They are also the 10 Secrets from The Freedom to Eat book. These short and powerful guided prayers will help you in many areas of your life to let go and let God: 1) Awareness 2) Acceptance 3) Letting Go of Judgments 4) Letting 5) Letting Go of Cravings 6) Discover Your Strengths and Talents 7) Start Loving Life 8) Invest in Yourself 9) Letting Go of Clutter 10) Embracing Unlimited Potential
Listen to a Sample from Let it Go
Trust will lead you into a gentle place of trust. While these meditations were created to make conscious contact with God, Trust is a soothing meditation that will even help you to fall asleep if you have problems sleeping. There is a guided prayer meditation, a meditation meant for contemplation, and music only.
Listen to a sample from the Trust Meditation CD