Guided Meditation CD Bundle With Bonus Downloads
If stress and overwhelm are hijacking your peace. If you want to experience a deeper connection with God and manifest the fruits of the Spirit in your life: joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These guided meditations will help you to do just that. (Shipping is free in the US. Please note that the USPS has suspended delivery to Australia and New Zealand due to COVID. UPS and DHL are available.)
Listen to a Sample from Be Still:
Listen to a sample from the Trust Meditation CD
Listen to a Sample from Let it Go
Meditation is a powerful spiritual practice to add to your prayer and Bible study. Not only will you receive greater peace and clarity, but you will be giving God the gift of your presence by being still, letting go, and trusting God in the process.
As a bonus, you will receive the digital downloads free! That's a value of $38.97. Upon purchase, you will receive an email with the downloads so that you can listen right away. Save the downloads for yourself and give the CDs to a friend.
Be Still
This meditation is a deep breathing guided meditation using Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God," as the foundation of the meditation. It is designed to grow your practice by starting with the short meditation and then using the longer meditation when you have more time.
Be Still Tracks include:
1: My Transformation Story (8:11)
2: Preparation (2:35)
3: Guided Meditation Short Version (9:22)
4: Guided Meditation Longer Version (14:39)
5: Meditative Music Only (14:35)
Let it Go
10 Meditative Affirmations to let go and let God. These are in the form of an affirmation prayer. Pick what resonates with you for the day or listen to them straight through. You have lots of options.
Let it Go Tracks include:
1. Introduction - 7:36 Minutes
2. Awareness meditative - 7:23 Minutes
3. Acceptance - 8:16
4. Letting Go of Judgments - 8:07
5. Letting Go - 6:08
6. Letting Go of Cravings - 7:30
7. Discover Your Strengths and Talents - 5:03
8. Start Loving Life - 5:52
9. Invest in Yourself - 6:08
10. Letting Go of Clutter - 6:23
11. Embracing Unlimited Potential - 6:47
This is a guided meditation prayer to lead you into a deep place of trust.
Trust Tracks include:
1. Why Trust - 6:38
2. Preparation - 3:46
3. Trust Guided Meditation - 17:20
4. Meditative Music - 17:20
5. Contemplative Guided Meditation - 17:17
Testimonials for the Digital Download Meditation Bundle:
Testimonials for the Meditation Bundle:
“Your programs have been and ARE such a blessing to me. Your meditations are a help to me as I trust God in navigating this journey of healing & restoration. Life is becoming Brighter for me. They also help my family. When Daddy is doing well, everyone else in the house does better. Thank you! If it helps one person, it is all worth it.” God bless & keep you, Jonathan
“Peace. Real peace. The kind of peace that will get you through life threatening surgeries, financial worries, relationship failures, or any number of other anxieties that may confront you as soon as you get out of bed in the morning just doesn’t fall out of the sky! It comes to us by working at it each day and having an ongoing relationship and connection with God. The set is a must have for those who are serious about knowing the true joy of the Lord. You will find yourself going back them again and again.” George
“When I started guided meditation practice, it was important to me to find Scripture-based meditations. Jackie’s meditations fit the bill perfectly. I start my day by listening to one or more of the tracks, and I can honestly say my morning worship is so much richer because of it. Jackie’s voice is just lovely, and clearly this is a God-blessed ministry with which she has been gifted.” Catherine
Please allow 5-10 days for delivery in North America and 2-3 weeks for overseas.